
Callbacks are asynchronous functions you can use to control what happens when an action is performed.

Callbacks are extremely powerful, especially in scenarios involving JSON Web Tokens as they allow you to implement access controls without a database and to integrate with external databases or APIs.


If you want to pass data such as an Access Token or User ID to the browser when using JSON Web Tokens, you can persist the data in the token when the jwt callback is called, then pass the data through to the browser in the session callback.

You can specify a handler for any of the callbacks below.

callbacks: {
signIn: async (user, account, profile) => {
return Promise.resolve(true)
redirect: async (url, baseUrl) => {
return Promise.resolve(baseUrl)
session: async (session, user) => {
return Promise.resolve(session)
jwt: async (token, user, account, profile, isNewUser) => {
return Promise.resolve(token)

The documentation below shows how to implement each callback, their default behaviour and an example of what the response for each callback should be. Note that configuration options and authentication providers you are using can impact the values passed to the callbacks.

Sign in callback

Use the signIn() callback to control if a user is allowed to sign in.

callbacks: {
* @param {object} user User object
* @param {object} account Provider account
* @param {object} profile Provider profile
* @return {boolean} Return `true` (or a modified JWT) to allow sign in
* Return `false` to deny access
signIn: async (user, account, profile) => {
const isAllowedToSignIn = true
if (isAllowedToSignIn) {
return Promise.resolve(true)
} else {
// Return false to display a default error message
return Promise.resolve(false)
// You can also Reject this callback with an Error or with a URL:
// return Promise.reject(new Error('error message')) // Redirect to error page
// return Promise.reject('/path/to/redirect') // Redirect to a URL
  • When using the Email Provider the signIn() callback is triggered both when the user makes a Verification Request (before they are sent email with a link that will allow them to sign in) and again after they activate the link in the sign in email.

    Email accounts do not have profiles in the same way OAuth accounts do. On the first call during email sign in the profile object will include an property verificationRequest: true to indicate it is being triggered in the verification request flow. When the callback is invoked after a user has clicked on a sign in link, this property will not be present.

    You can check for the verificationRequest property to avoid sending emails to addresses or domains on a blocklist (or to only explicitly generate them for email address in an allow list).

  • When using the Credentials Provider the user object is the response returned from the authorization callback and the profile object is the raw body of the HTTP POST submission.


When using NextAuth.js with a database, the User object will be either a user object from the database (including the User ID) if the user has signed in before or a simpler prototype user object (i.e. name, email, image) for users who have not signed in before.

When using NextAuth.js without a database, the user object it will always be a prototype user object, with information extracted from the profile.


If you only want to allow users who already have accounts in the database to sign in, you can check for the existance of a property and reject any sign in attempts from accounts that do not have one.

If you are using NextAuth.js without database and want to control who can sign in, you can check their email address or profile against a hard coded list in the signIn() callback.

Redirect callback

The redirect callback is called anytime the user is redirected to a callback URL (e.g. on signin or signout).

By default only URLs on the same URL as the site are allowed, you can use the redirect callback to customise that behaviour.

callbacks: {
* @param {string} url URL provided as callback URL by the client
* @param {string} baseUrl Default base URL of site (can be used as fallback)
* @return {string} URL the client will be redirect to
redirect: async (url, baseUrl) => {
return url.startsWith(baseUrl)
? Promise.resolve(url)
: Promise.resolve(baseUrl)

The redirect callback may be invoked more than once in the same flow.

Session callback

The session callback is called whenever a session is checked.

e.g. getSession(), useSession(), /api/auth/session

  • When using database sessions, the User object is passed as an argument.
  • When using JSON Web Tokens for sessions, the JWT payload is provided instead.
callbacks: {
* @param {object} session Session object
* @param {object} user User object (if using database sessions)
* JSON Web Token (if not using database sessions)
* @return {object} Session that will be returned to the client
session: async (session, user, sessionToken) => { = 'bar' // Add property to session
return Promise.resolve(session)

When using JSON Web Tokens the jwt() callback is invoked before the session() callback, so anything you add to the JSON Web Token will be immediately available in the session callback.


The session object is not persisted server side, even when using database sessions - only data such as the session token, the user, and the expiry time is stored in the session table.

If you need to persist session data server side, you can use the accessToken returned for the session as a key - and connect to the database in the session() callback to access it. Session accessToken values do not rotate and are valid as long as the session is valid.

If using JSON Web Tokens instead of database sessions, you should use the User ID or a unique key stored in the token (you will need to generate a key for this yourself on sign in, as access tokens for sessions are not generated when using JSON Web Tokens).

JWT callback

This JSON Web Token callback is called whenever a JSON Web Token is created (i.e. at sign in) or updated (i.e whenever a session is accesed in the client).

e.g. /api/auth/signin, getSession(), useSession(), /api/auth/session

  • As with database session expiry times, token expiry time is extended whenever a session is active.
  • The arguments user, account, profile and isNewUser are only passed the first time this callback is called on a new session, after the user signs in.

The contents user, account, profile and isNewUser will vary depending on the provider and on if you are using a database or not. If you want to pass data such as User ID, OAuth Access Token, etc. to the browser, you can persist it in the token and use the session() callback to return it.

callbacks: {
* @param {object} token Decrypted JSON Web Token
* @param {object} user User object (only available on sign in)
* @param {object} account Provider account (only available on sign in)
* @param {object} profile Provider profile (only available on sign in)
* @param {boolean} isNewUser True if new user (only available on sign in)
* @return {object} JSON Web Token that will be saved
jwt: async (token, user, account, profile, isNewUser) => {
const isSignIn = (user) ? true : false
// Add auth_time to token on signin in
if (isSignIn) { token.auth_time = new Date().toISOString() }
return Promise.resolve(token)

NextAuth.js does not limit how much data you can store in a JSON Web Token, however a ~4096 byte limit for all cookies on a domain commonly imposed by browsers.

If you need to persist a large amount of data, you will need to persist it elsewhere (e.g. in a database). You can store a key that can be used to look up that data in the session() callback.